
The pdf files of talks are now available here (zip file).

The proceedings containing the extended abstracts are now available here (pdf file).

This conference aims to promote the development and application of spatial, temporal, and mainly spatio-temporal statistical methods in different fields related to the environment. It seeks to bring together practitioners and researchers of different areas and countries all over the world. Cross-disciplinary actions to solve environmental problems are very welcome. The scientific program features sessions covering topics on the latest advancements in theory, methods and applications. Contributed papers and posters are welcome.

METMA 2018 is the ninth of a series of workshops on the topic of Spatio-Temporal Modelling, which have been held every two years since 17 years. We are proud to organize the first "French" edition of this event in Montpellier. The previous conferences have been organized in Benicassim (Castellon, Spain, 2001), Granada (Spain, 2004), Pamplona (Spain, 2006), Alghero (Italy, 2008), Santiago de Compostela (Spain, 2010), Guimaraes (Portugal, 2012), Turin (Italy, 2014) and Valencia (Spain, 2016).

As a satellite event, a short course will be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018: An introduction to geostatistical analysis of spatio-temporal data with R. More details on this workshop can be found under "Program".

The Spatial Statistics journal will edit a Special Issue for METMA IX. More details on the call for papers will follow soon.

The prospective participants of the workshop are kindly asked to check for updates on this conference web site from time to time.

We warmly acknowledge financial and organisational support from AgroParisTech, CNRS (Centre National de Recherche Scientifique), the Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck (Montpellier University), Inria, the LEFE-CERISE project funded by INSU-CNRS, MUSE (Montpellier Université d'Excellence), MSH Sud (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Montpellier) LabEx NUMEV, the RESSTE network of INRA, and Société Française de Statistique (the French Statistical Society), among others.